How Our New Immigration Policies are Like the Bleaching of
the Great Barrier Reef
... as the algae
provide the coral with 90% of its energy, after expelling the algae the coral
begins to starve. –Wikipedia on coral bleaching
Starvation starts the day you spit them out,
those guests you harbored, off whose strength you fed
until the times turned hard. You had some doubts
but didn’t dare show weakness. So you led
with confidence. “We don’t need them,” you said.
You drove them off; you celebrate the rout
insisting it will make us strong. Instead,
starvation starts the day you spit them out.
Just listen to the garbage that you spout
to feed the hate, whip up the fear and dread.
It’s criminal, the lies you tell about
those guests you harbored, off whose strength you fed.
We all were glad enough to eat the bread
they baked and use their labor in our drought-
struck fields. Oh yes, it’s all good fellowship ahead
until the times turned hard. You had some doubts,
I think. I could be wrong. You always shout
the loudest when you’re anxious. That inbred
team of flunkies trembled at your pout
but didn’t dare show weakness. So you led—
at least, you call it leading. Better dead
than stranded in some borderland redoubt
the wrong side of the national watershed.
And when you close that border to the south—
starvation starts.
Tiel Aisha Ansari