Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Finalist in the "Trio of Triolets" contest: Jake Sheff

Jake Sheff's three triolets below earned him finalist status in the "Trio of Triolets" contest! Check them out below:

I heard the sunshine fly its pole…

The bee is heaven’s eye. Its buzz
evacuates the sky. Its soul
is solar-sized in scope. Its fuzz
is heaven’s eyebrow. Why? Its buzz-
cut – striped with coal and hollandaise –
equips the pollen’s article
of faith and role. The busy bees
evacuate the sky and soul.

Leave your bedroom’s little fold

Love me brittle, leave me strong.
Love your burden we are told.
Death is undersold but wrong.
Love me, till me, leave me long.
Death is never old in song.
Nothing hurts just to behold.
Love’s rebuttal leaves my tongue:
Love's a burden, young and cold. 

It's awful

how a stop sign makes you stop.
Your slow emotions race. You spot
the post; suspended like a drop
of fallen upward blood… You stop
to ask how that could be. Your top
is bottomed out. It's gone to pot –
the heart’s design (and how!) – to stop
your heart; the law’s unlawful spot.
Bio: Jake Sheff is a major and pediatrician in the US Air Force, married with a daughter and three pets. Currently home is the Mojave Desert. Poems of Jake’s are in Marathon Literary Review, Jet Fuel Review, The Cossack Review and elsewhere. His chapbook is “Looting Versailles” (Alabaster Leaves Publishing). He considers life an impossible sit-up, but plausible. 

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